Poul Lemasters

Over the last 30 years, Poul Lemasters has become a master ass-coverer through his years in the deathcare profession. Yes, deathcare. Morbid, but the scariest part is how one mistake can lead to a million-dollar lawsuit. That’s why Poul had to master the CYA craft. He created his own deathcare consulting company: LemastersConsulting and has been helping cemeteries, crematoriums, and funeral homes make the right legal decisions so they don’t have to pay millions in lawsuits.

After a few years in this profession, he began to realize the need to cover your ass is pretty pertinent to any business and anyone. So, he started his own business providing coaching and consulting to companies as a public speaker - poullemaster.com. He has spent the last few years guiding businesses and business owners on making proactive legal and internal decisions to protect their businesses, and reactive solutions to do the same.

Poul is an entrepreneur at heart and runs multiple businesses. One of his ventures is Dead Ringers, https://deadringers.co, a telephone mystery shop service and evaluator. Over the years he has seen some horrible phone service that kills a business before they ever get to provide their services. Hence Dead Ringers was born. Despite death being a recurring theme in his career, he promises he has a kind heart, and even started his own nonprofit - CoatDrive.org. Coat Drive buys new coats for kids so they can keep warm and just focus on being kids. In his free time, Poul writes and publishes a free quarterly newsletter - Parliament. Each issue focuses on a specific business topic and is dispersed through the deathcare profession upon subscription. It is a business newsletter though, so businesses across other industries have started giving it a read too. Probably because they want to know how to cover their ass too.

As you can probably tell, Poul tries not to take himself too seriously. There’s no fun in that. Although, the fact that he considers himself a professional ass coverer should have already clued you in to that.


Roger Roth


Regina Rae Whitfield Kekessi