Nicci Brose

Sharing her writing with the world is something Nicci Brose never thought she would do. But God has taught her that all the things He puts in her heart are not just for her, but for the hearts of the world. So here she is, writing from her heart to yours.

Beyond writing, she has a hubby of almost 18 years and three beautiful girls! Two of them are still those weird alien teenagers that you feed and try to understand on the daily, while the oldest is happily married with two sweet little boys. Nicci’s favorite thing to do besides writing is be with her family. She loves to watch her girls compete in MMA and wrestling, sing in choir concerts, and whatever else brings joy to their hearts. She loves to cuddle with them and watch ridiculous romcoms and hallmark movies that are so predictable, but still make them cry.

Nicci is also an ordained pastor and she loves to circle up and do life with women. She has a women’s ministry that began this year called “Women Beyond the Walls.” There is nothing like a group of women, from all walks of life, churches, backgrounds, cultures, generations... all of their differences coming together to grow and encourage one another.

She not only finds joy in teaching women, but also her little 2nd graders. Nicci is an elementary teacher and has been blessed to wear the teacher hat for over a decade now.

She can’t go without mentioning her two fur babies! Nina, a chihuahua, who is so old and the biggest lap dog ever. AND the 2-year-old Aussie, Wendy, who annoys the world out of Nina, but who is loved so dearly!

Nicci prays that every time you read something from her heart, your heart is inspired, warmed, and forever changed. Happy reading!


Parker Pickett


Charles W. Pearl