Morgan Ganzer

Hey, it’s nice to meet you! 

Although, sadly, it’s quite informal for now. Maybe someday our paths will cross if they haven’t already. Then I could thank you properly for taking the time to read these words.

So, I’m Morgan Ganzer and… uh... I’ve never been wonderful with introductions, and, on a real note, expressing oneself can be quite intimidating. Especially in our world today where we are so heavily observed and openly criticized. 

For me, expression is easiest when vomiting words onto a page (as you see here) or bursting into dance (mostly when I’m alone). 

I’m extremely inspired by nature and the world around me, and the past and present writers that have laid the stones for my writing to be what it may. 

Here in these pages, you’ll find a gloriously messy, gushy, mushy piece of myself. Whether it comes from my heart, soul, or mind, I am still unsure. From wherever it may be drawn out, and whatever may come flowing out (maybe words, maybe mud), I hope it resonates and leaves a big old stain you can’t get out. 

Anyway, I thank you with all my heart for witnessing these wild words running rampant, and for witnessing a bit of me. 


William “Billy” Morris


Sean Rugless